Tuesday, 5 July 2011

ShockingPinkLover Go Green

Everywhere we go nowadays, people will talk about green technology to save the earth. As I dun wanna get left behind, I’m going forward to go green as well. Absolutely green huhu. So this is the effort I've done in a day of my life.

  • First of all I drink green tea.
  • Then I eat groovy lime sundae from mcD
  • Yeah dettol, use this antibacterial hand sanitizer since d bottle cap in green.
  • Last but not least, i write using this green Artline hahaha

Wud dat be green enuff?

Huhu ok, that wasn’t absolutely what I meant.
Yeah tis world is too big for us become a superhuman in order to save it. However, we are still able to do some little thing which may help if not a lot at least some. For sure this little effort from us can make some changes towards better earth. Just take a look at this list:

1.       Save energy (in the same time save money)
-          Turn off all the electrical items when not in use
-          Use energy saving appliance
-          Use cold water to wash ur clothes and line dry it
2.       Save water
-          Take shorter shower ( urmm tis is quite hard)
3.       Save petrol
-          Walk or bike to place nearby
-          Car pool to office
-           Take alternative public transport such as LRT
4.       Eat smart
-          Lesser your meat intake
-           Support local product for your daily meals
5.       Skip the bottled water
-          Very simple rule need no explanation hehe
6.       Borrow instead of buying
-          Borrow books from library
7.       Think before you buy
-          Search for the item review before you buy
8.       Keep electronic out of trash
-          use your electronic items as long as possible
-          recycle your electronic waste
9.       Buy Smart
-          Buy quality & long lasting items
10.   Make your own cleaning supplies
-          Try the ‘petua nenek kebayan’ to make your very own natural non toxic cleaning products

Unite all, peace :p

Sunday, 3 July 2011

My workstation vs 5S hehe

When a friend of mine brag about 5S implementation in her office, I became a lil bit excited to find out more bout it. This is actually my first time hearing that the Japanese created such methodology for workplace organization. Aren't they superb ???? Always huh. And it's has been introduced in Japan in early 1980's. Wow tremendous :)

Basically 5S describe how to organize a work space and the phases are as the follwing:
-Sorting (seiri )
-Straightening (seito)
-Sweeping or shining or cleanliness /systematic cleaning (seiso)
-Standardizing (seiketsu)
-Sustaining the discipline or self-discipline (shitsuke

Hurmmm 5S methodology vs my very own workstation? Owh izit gonna be horror. Ok I’ll try to do some assessment based on my own judgement :D
See how I adapted the 5S (seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, shitsuke) workplace organization :
1)    Sorting (seiri )  -  huhu only necessary items on my table..


2)    Straightening (seito), - yeah my fragrance oil collection always in a straight line...

3)    Sweeping or shining or cleanliness /systematic cleaning (seiso)  -  isn't tis shiny enuff :p 

4)    Standardizing (seiketsu), -  i have my pink version items on my table(urmmm standard color :D)

5)    Sustaining the discipline or self-discipline (shitsuke) - a hot drink tumbler to sustain my hot drinks to ensure i'm awake at all time and a memo clip for all the extra urgent to get done soonest possible :)

Hahahaha..Ok ok I know cant get 5/5 for the 5S.. :p  

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

One of my Comfort Food..

Tis morning I makan nasik + ayam masak tomato- that’s wht written on the price tag huhu. The rice taste like nasik lemak intead of plain rice. That moment I can already imagine how full im gonna feel soon. I bought it from Carrefour Market nearby my place. Thus when lunch time arrived memangla I still sangat kenyang so decided xmo pegi lunch huhu. And beberapa jam kemudian hahaha lapar la jawabnye. No big deal coz I have my remedy just inside my drawer.  Hurmm time for my comfort food huhu.

Mula-mula I prepare Campbell’s soup in an office mug pasal if pakai this mug nanti kakak tolong basuh heheh.

Then I amik 2 pieces of biscuit ni, pecah2kan dalam Campbell’s soup tadi.

Yeah tis is the result. Huhu scrumptious ite :D

And after about 5 minutes tis is the next outcome huhu. An empty mug for kakak , tq so much kakak :D

Sunday, 12 June 2011

BIG Green Tea Drinker

Today I've decided to become a BIG GREEN TEA DRINKER. I project it as ‘BIG’ due to I'm being truly ambitious as I'm gonna consume green tea to replace my plain water almost all the time. Urmmm or it might be gonna last at least a month of experimental period as knowing me always a starter not the finisher huhu -owh tht part I’m still in the midst of improving it kayh. I'm actually being more and more enthusiast to become a big green tea drinker because I was surrounded by my ‘green tea drinker colleagues’ which drawing a big question marks in my head. Then I started to google up the benefits of green teas and found tht it contains EGCG which is useful for:

1.     Urmm first of all EGCG itself is powerful anti-oxidant.

2.     Inhibiting the growth of cancer cells- it kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue.

3.     Lowering LDL cholesterol levels.

4.     Inhibiting the abnormal formation of blood clots.

Wow, this might a few of it however enough amazed me.
This morning I woke up quite early and after sending my sis to work, I’m kinda have nothing much to do at home. After I filled up my patrol, I went straight away to supermarket to search for my green tea. Urmm maybe for the starting green tea pack from supermarket wud be good enough for a beginner like me :D
Look what I found. Sorry I cant pronounce the brand as it is in Japanese.

There is also an instruction behind which cant hundred percently beneficial for me as it is in kanji but the picture at least illustrate me something. Like from the step no 3 I know it was a leaf type not sachet. Hehehe.
I began to brew my tea. Yeah very amateur, I used my drinking bottle. Maybe later I’m gonna shop for a teapot no worries :p
After 2 minutes, all the tea leaves were sunken on the bottom of the bottle. Great it almost ready I think.  
As I wanna enjoy the authentic feeling of drinking the green tea I poured it into mom’s porcelain mug.
Hurmmmm. This green tea smell more refreshing compared to other brands of sachet type I’ve tried.  The taste is marvelous too. I might gonna stick to this brand hehehe.
p/s :- My green tea journey hasn’t ended yet. I’m going to try the powder type which my friend promised to get for me.

Untitled from ShockingPinkLover :D

Most probably everybody has an opening post for their blogs. And I wud like to have one too :) Yeah and this will be my first post in this blog. Hurm technically it is sort of introduction we usually have during writing essay in school. Lets keep it short and sweet. This blogs wud be my platform to share all the beauty of rocking roads I passed through and as many tots in mind I wud like to share with others out there ! ! Ok I’m done. Thats so called short and sweet huh.. :p